After the US unilateral withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal in May 2018, Europe’s positions have always been in support of it. In the margins of the 2019 Munich Security Conference, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini insisted once again that the EU believes JCPOA is crucial for “both regional and global security”[1].
However, following the support of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for staying in the nuclear deal with Iran in her speech at the 2019 Munich Security Conference, US Vice President Mike Pence invited Europeans to withdraw from JCPOA[2]. The clear difference between the EU and the US government on how to approach Iran also shows itself in the Warsaw Summit.
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[1] https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/58230/federica-mogherini-meets-iranian-foreign-minister-zarif_en
[2] https://edition.cnn.com/2019/02/16/politics/mike-pence-munich-european-allies/index.html