The concept of Information Warfare (IW) is not recent. It could be define as “a targeted effort to undermine and neutralize hostile command and control systems for the purpose of protecting and coordinating the activities of command and control systems of friendly forces”[1] and, in the aftermath of the Cold War, each single country learnt rapidly the strategic impact of information in fighting a war.
According to the political scientist and American philosopher Noam Chomsky, IW is one of the most efficient methods of conducting psychological warfare.[2] During his career, Chomsky studied the effect of Information Warfare and he affirmed that about 20% of the population of a county can be influenced by media in making decisions and implementing politics.[3]
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[1]Damjanović, D.Z. (2017) Types of information warfare and examples of malicious programs of information warfare. Military Technical Courier. Vol 6, N 4, pp: 1044-1059. https://scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0042-8469/2017/0042-84691704044D.pdf
[2] Chomsky, N (1991) Media control: the spectacular achievements of propaganda. A Seven Stories Press First Edition.
[3] Ibid.