Syrian refugee crisis has led the EU to revise its refugee policies and unveiled the EU’s political vulnerabilities and incapacity to overcome it on its own. Additionally, this problem demonstrated the asymmetric strategic dependence of the EU especially on Turkey in terms of hosting refugees, which results in the fact the EU and Turkey signed a ‘refugee deal’ in 2016 and the EU had to give some concessions to Turkey and overlook Turkey’s illiberal and undemocratic attitudes both within the country and outside the country[1]. This epitome pushes politicians, civil servants, and scholars to think a possibility of resulting Russia-Ukraine conflict in the same direction as the Syrian civil war in terms of refugee flow.
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OPINION PAPER | Can the EU Overcome Another Refugee Flow?
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— Vocal Europe (@thevocaleurope) March 4, 2022
[1] Saatçioğlu, B. (2020) The European Union’s refugee crisis and rising functionalism in EU-Turkey relations, Turkish Studies, 21:2, 169-187, DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2019.1586542