[dropcap size=small]For thousands of homeless people across Belgium and Brussels winter represents a difficult moment of the year.
They do not have any accommodation and have no other choice but to sleep outside on the streets. Some of them try to find a shelter in non-windy public areas, but this is obviously not an effective or a long-term solution.
These shelters cannot host most of the homeless in Brussels, since they offer about 1,000 beds every night. Nonetheless, there are mobile teams that go around every night to provide assistance to homeless people in Brussels. If you can, advise them about the homeless people in your neighbourhood that may need a shelter for the night.
In case you aim to help people, please call Samusocial: 0800 99 340 (free of charges). They will surely do their best to consider an appropriate option.
In case you really want to be active to tackle this issue, you can also be in touch with La Strada, a specialised association for the care of homeless people, that may offered you to work as a volunteer.
[toggler title=”Source” ]This content was originally published by Brussels Express.[/toggler]