It has been four months now that the focus has been put on Western Balkans countries and the coming weeks will be of crucial importance for their future relation with the European Union. It all started with the now famous Macron’s “non”, paving the way for a revision of the accession process.
Since then, the EU Member States agreed upon the fact that a modernised and more efficient methodology needs to be set up. President Macron was the frontrunner in submitting a non-paper[1] where he presented his proposal for an enhanced and faster enlargement process. However, many Western Balkans experts outlined that Macron’s document might induce a counter-effect[2].
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[1] https://www.politico.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Enlargement-nonpaper.pdf
[2] https://usercontent.one/wp/www.vocaleurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/Towards-a-new-approach-in-the-Western-Balkans-a-potential-reform-of-EU’s-enlargement-policy.pdf?media=1738011482 p 8-12.