“F ood security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and…
R ussia’s decision to invade Ukraine has resulted in an unprecedentedly quick succession of sanctions emanating from the European Union and the United States. Ignoring previous practices that favored a linear and gradual enhancement…
T he words of the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, outline the “impact [of the war in Ukraine] on food security, energy and finance [as] systemic, severe, and speeding up."[1] Indeed, the outbreak of…
W e are now entering “The Age of Encounter” — as argued by Hans Kribbe in The Strongmen.[1] In other words, it is an age of encounters with other “great powers” and seemingly irrational and…
I n the EU, when it comes to the use of military force, the necessary consensus is often lacking. Security interests and the perception of threats differ immensely across the bloc. And decisions…
E nergy security is a multidimensional concept because it carries the dimensions of availability, affordability, technological development, environmental sustainability, and governance.[1] The interpretation of these dimensions of the energy security changes according to whether…
I n the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis, EU-Russia relations have undoubtedly been severed. The Russian conflict in Ukraine heightened ‘longstanding tensions’ within the Western Balkans[1]. The Western Balkan Six comprises of Albania,…
S yrian refugee crisis has led the EU to revise its refugee policies and unveiled the EU’s political vulnerabilities and incapacity to overcome it on its own. Additionally, this problem demonstrated the asymmetric strategic…
W hen Alain Peyrefitte, a French diplomat, asked General de Gaulle in 1962 "What is the purpose of Europe?", the latter replied "not to be dominated by the Americans or the Russians"[1]. Since…
I n the past year, the EU has witnessed an exceptional rise in the demand for security and defence[1]. To overcome the many geopolitical challenges that await Brussels, several EU top leaders have…