[toggler title=”DISCLAIMER” ]All opinions in this column reflect view of the autor(s), not of Vocal Europe[/toggler]
With momentous changes underway worldwide as US President Donald Trump resets the US’s geopolitical compass, all indicators point to Saudi Arabia playing a more prominent role in regional and global affairs and to Saudi leadership of the Islamic Coalition representing the true face of Islam around the world, after non-state groups which abused the name of Islam maligned and distorted this great faith.
As a leading regional power, Saudi Arabia is now mobilizing public opinion, domestically, regionally and internationally to rebuild the peace process and to restore stability in the Middle East, which has been targeted constantly and repeatedly by Iran’s regime. For years now, the Velayat- Faqih regime and its regional proxies have made relentless efforts to interfere in regional states’ affairs, disregarding and undermining their sovereignty and authority, with the objective of implementing the plan outlined in the Iranian regime’s own constitution to “export the revolution” or, in layman’s terms, to take control of and subjugate the region.
To achieve this objective, Iran has destroyed much of the region, reducing nations such as Iraq and Syria to failed states riven by sectarian war simply to maintain lawless and brutal rule imposed by various criminal militias. In response to this, Saudi Arabia has been forced to take action, building alliances where necessary to resist the Iranian regime and to thwart its ambitions to become a regional and international power at the expense of tens of millions of innocent people’s lives and freedom.
[alert type=white ]Author: Mohammad S. Alzou’bi is a researcher at the Arabian Gulf Center for Iranian Studies[/alert]
The Iranian regime’s claims to have mobilized its forces and proxy militias to “fight terrorism” are a 180-degree inversion of reality, with the regime – classified for decades and up to the present as the world’s leading state sponsor of terror by the CIA – exploiting the War on Terror as a golden opportunity to weaken and destroy neighbouring nations as a prelude to both expanding its own power and becoming a key regional and global player. Iranian arms have flooded Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen under the implausible pretext of “defending the oppressed people worldwide”, even whilst the Iranian people are subjected to ever-worsening oppression, poverty, unemployment, starvation, and record levels of pollution. Meanwhile, the Rouhani administration lauded by some Western leaders past and present for its “moderate reformist” character, has passed China to win the unenviable status of carrying out the highest per capita annual number of executions globally by a very long way.
While Iran’s regime continues down a path of domestic and regional ruin, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammad Ibn Salman, has played a key role in instituting a dynamic economic transformation which has seen the kingdom move from being a consumer state to a producer state, a shift which will enable Saudi Arabia to become a power that can stand against any future economic difficulties and provide a new level of dynamism and flexibility in dealing with fluctuating future developments.
HRH Prince Mohammad Ibn Salman has also placed the Kingdom at the forefront of regional political events, with the Saudi agenda now effectively shaping Washington’s regional strategy in pursuit of their joint interests. The US is now working to remedy the mistakes made by previous administrations in the 2003 Iraq invasion by building a new regional coalition to deter the Iranian regime’s regional ambitions, with Iran, which has sabotaged any hopes of a political solution in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon, preferring to turn to military solutions.
While the US, under the Obama administration, tried to deter Iran’s regional plans by allying with the regime and attempting a diplomatic resolution, the Trump administration is implementing new policies and using other diplomatic tools in close cooperation with other regional powers in order to thwart Tehran’s plans to further sabotage the hopes of regional peace.
The world powers are now largely united in their agreement on the need to isolate Iran in an effort to force it to retreat back within its borders, dismissing the ‘Velayat-e Faqih’ regime’s efforts at expansionism and opposing its export of arms to regional and global proxies. The Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), along with Hezbollah and other proxies and militias have destroyed or helped to destroy Arab capitals across the region and displaced millions of the regional peoples, as well as being heavily involved in crime and corruption worldwide; Hezbollah is now the world’s number one trafficking organization for drugs and arms, with the billions of dollars in funds from these and other illegal activities going to benefit the Tehran regime.
Taking all these facts into consideration, it is long past time to bring an end to this regional and global chaos through a historic shift in alignment in the Middle East and the rest of the world by uniting to stop the Iranian regime’s expansionist projects, which it has been planning for ever since the ‘Velayat-e-Faqih’ extremists first hijacked both the Islamic faith and the 1979 revolution to bring terror, oppression and suffering to the Iranian people who had risen up for freedom.
The Iranian regime’s virulent anti-Arab bigotry, its totalitarian nature and that of its proxies, its longstanding ties with European fascists and its relentless murderous expansionism mean that parallels with Nazi Germany are all too obvious to be denied. Now, as then, a coalition is taking shape to destroy this malignant political tumor, with the ‘Velayat-e-Faqih’ regime headed inevitably for its richly deserved demise, at the hands of regional and global powers and its own, long-oppressed people. The only question now is not if Iran’s fascist regime will be destroyed, but when.