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Aman from United Kingdom has got out from house without any key. Maybe has forgotten his keys at home, but it seems that does not need them anymore. He walks relaxed and then opens the car’s door just with a wave of the hand.
The man who unlocks doors with his hand is not a magician, but a British inventor from Otterbourne, Hampshire. His name is Steven Northam and is the first man in England who ever tested the microchips on human beings[i].
The Telegraph and the BBC news reported on the days of 2, 3 August 2017, although the chip is not the exclusive invention of Mr. Northam and of his company, BioTeq. Microchips were tested long before on animals, cats and dogs, and by some other companies from Sweden, United States.
A Swedish company offered his digital services for a whole office in Stockholm starting up to 2015[ii]. Even earlier than this year, the chips were already used a little bit here, a little bit there, by private subjects, only that the using of microchips was not so much popularized in mass-media because it was still a private matter. Not a public issue of the big corporations, of the employers and employees. Just a domestic problem of those who wanted to find their animals in case they got lost or try something new on their own skin, for the sake of innovation.
The element of innovation on which the big corporations of digital services promises to bring up in a close future, an element that will erase the borderline between the private and public realm is the replacement of credit cards with the implantation of microchips. The day when we will pay our bills, shopping by a scan of the hand is no longer a further day. This day is coming, it’s near to us.
In 2017, Biohax International has sold her services for an American Tech company, Three Square Market (32M), with which has become a partner[iii]. The chipped employees from the Three Square Market building will be able to unlock the doors with a wave of the hands, pay the meal.
In Sweden, this advanced technique went so far away, until it have innovated the National Railway system by offering the passengers the chance to confirm the validation of paying their voyager ticket through a scan of the hand[iv], and this is not all.
Microchips will be used in the future as passports, for scanning our health[v]. This sounds as if an epochal mutation is about to come. The dawns of a new epoch has risen. We prepare to enter in a new era, the Digital Era. But if we speak in terms of an epochal mutation, of transformation, that does not happen overnight.
In the development of the medical services, especially of those offered by big corporations from the private sector, was not a little thing, an insignificant fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved with fourteen years ago, in 2004, the using of chips for humans. Today, in United States, big corporations like Microchips Biotech, Inc., financed by business men, use the advanced technique to liberate the medicines in the human body at a certain hour and for controlling the natural birth[vi].
The chips will help for the development of the market in the field of food, of medicine, but may be used and for national defense, security reasons. The Reuters Agency of Press has communicated on 1 March 2018 that Microchip Technology Inc. intent to buy Microsemi Corp., “the largest U.S. commercial supplier of military and aerospace semiconductor equipment, for about $8.35 billion”[vii]. In the latest news, Reuters Press mentioned that Microchip did not confirm the media reports with regard to the approval of this transaction from the part of the Chinese government.
The supposed transaction between Microchip and Microsemi, still officially unconfirmed, it comes in a world context when, on the other side of the Atlantic’s Ocean, the European Commission recently adopted a new directive for protection of the personal data. This possible fusion would be relevant not only for the North-Atlantic, Asian market, also for the European Economic Area (EEA).
Now, more than ever, when the development of the digital market was encouraged through legislative measures, propaganda, festivals like the Wear-it festival from Berlin[viii]. As a global leader, one of the first providers in the digital services that hold a capital estimated in incalculable numbers and covers almost the whole market of the world, Microchip would become after this transaction the leader in and the controller of the digital market, of the security services.
An economical imperium can be built on a data imperium. The privacy policy tells us that, with the personal data hidden by a number under the skin, it grows and the confidence in the security of the private life. In other words, that our privacy will be much more protected by using microchips. A chip guarantees us the necessary protection, only that privacy it hits herself to the problem of location, more precisely of geo-location.
The way it works on animal, to find the lost animals, it may work on humans. Big corporations do not tell us too much about where the personal data it’s stoked, what they serve for. The identity of the person is covered, hidden by a number. Chips do not have GPS proprieties, the possibility of localization the person is denied by the big corporations.
Nevertheless, we don’t know very well at the present moment how it really function this innovation and which are truly her possibilities. Today, chips may be used for unlock doors, for the replacement of the credit cards, health care, instead of the voyager ticket, and tomorrow for the total control of the human beings. “Many things have started with the best of intentions, but sometimes intentions turned.”, said Adam K. Levin, the Chairman and Founder CyberScout, in an interview taken by the ABC News. “We have survived thousand of years as a species without being microchipped, it’s there any particular need to do it now?”[ix]
We are not too far from the script of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Beginning with tomorrow, we may live in Orwell’s world, where the Big Brother is watching us.
[i] About Steven Northam and his invention, see the article published by The Telegraph from 3 August 2017: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/08/03/british-inventor-microchips-get-house-car-wave-hand/. Also, listen and the BBC news from 2 August 2017: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-hampshire-40794808/hampshire-inventor-puts-microchip-in-hand-to-unlock-car.
[ii] Regarding to the microchips that were implanted for the staff members in an office from Stockholm, see the BBC news from 29 January 2015: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/science-environment-31045201/swedish-office-staff-offered-implants-to-access-facilities. The BBC news does not mention anything about the provider of microchips, that the provider could be a Swedish company it’s my own supposition. The provider may be the Swedish company, Biohax International or another one, as well as it can be a foreign provider.
[iii] In this direction, see the U.S. News: https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-07-24/wisconsin-tech-company-to-implant-microchips-in-employees#close-modal.
[iv] See the BBC news from 12 September 2017: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-41178142/rail-company-accepts-tickets-on-a-microchip-in-your-hand.
[v] The Californian Forward Company from San Francisco offers digital services in health care by using the artificial intelligence. Just with a scan of the hand, her clients receive information about their height, weight, and even blood pressure. How much the HD used program can tell you about yours health and how secure is the collected data, we don’t know too much about this, it remains like an untold mystery. In this direction, see the BBC news from 16 May 2017: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-39870910/new-health-scan-uses-artificial-intelligence.
[vi] Beside of the similar services, I haven’t found, noticed, if there is a relation, in the sense of a partnership relation between the British company, BioTeq, and the American company, Microchips Biotech, Inc. We recommend seeing the websites of both companies. Also, the article published by NBC News from 13 October 2004: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/6237364/ns/health-health_care/t/fda-approves-computer-chip-humans/#.WytqoNJKhdg.
[vii] Although Microchip Technology Inc. did not confirm the media reports with regard to Microsemi’s transaction according to Reuters News, on the Microsemi’s website appears the logo of Microchip, and the undersubscription © 2018 Microsemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. We recommend seeing the Reuters News, also, the website of Microsemi. The links to the news are: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-microsemi-m-a-microchip-tech/microchip-to-buy-microsemi-for-about-8-35-billion-idUSKCN1GD6DG, respective https://www.reuters.com/article/us-microsemi-m-a-microchip-tech/microchip-says-cant-confirm-reports-on-china-approval-of-microsemi-deal-idUSKBN1I828D.
[viii] On 8 June 2017, in Berlin took place the Wear-it festival dedicated to the “Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible innovation”. The project was funded by the European Commission, in frame of the Horizon 2020 Program, for Research and Innovation, which encourage the interdisciplinary dialog and cooperation between artists, fashion designers and engineers, IT experts. Another important event it’s the annual forum, the reunion of the Digital Assembly from 25-26 June 2018, where will debate key topics on digital policy, with special focus on Central and Eastern Europe as well as Western Balkan countries. Regarding to the Wear-it festival, see the site: https://wearsustain.eu/2017/05/30/sustainability-e-textiles-crafts-design-wear-festival-berlin-8-june-2017/.
[ix] See the ABC News from 24 July 2017: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/tech-company-workers-agree-microchips-implanted-hands/story?id=48818529.